Welcome to the Graduate College

What is the Graduate College?

The Graduate College is a home for graduate students and postdocs to gain training and opportunities in professional development and become emerging leaders in our communities: local to global. We are building a community for our Scholars to discuss ideas openly and expand their personal and professional networks. The College includes Senior Scholars from UCalgary Faculty and our broader community. 

As a Scholar, you would be expected to engage in the planning and organization of events, attend monthly meetings and in-College life by attending other College events, which will broaden you perspectives and add to your professional development. More information on Scholar expectations can be found here. The College Leadership Forums are a centre-piece to the College, where we invite a recognised leaders from the University and greater community to tell their story and share research.

What is the Graduate College's Purpose and Vision?

The Gradaute College brings together a community of like-minded servant-leader scholars who actively strive to connect, enrich, and energize the communities they are a part of, and to create, lead, and realize solutions to challenges of the 21st century. 

The College brings together a diversity of individuals and groups to enable engaged discourse on important and challenging topics.

The Scholars and programs of The College will serve their communities and create a dynamic environment promoting excellence in research, education, and connection to community. Focusing on its three foundational themes—connect, enrich, and energize—The College will enable dialog, leverage diversity, and prepare its Scholars to provide the leadership required to address complex issues facing Calgary, Canada, and the global community.


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By emailing gradcollege@ucalgary.ca to be added.