
Community Engagement

Integrate the university with the community

Being a global intellectual hub means that we develop next-generation leaders with broad world views, share new knowledge and discoveries generously, and address society’s challenges proactively.  We are recognized as a university that provides a gateway to the international landscape of ideas, arts and culture, and science for all life-long learners. We are increasing opportunities for our local and extended communities to engage in athletic and recreational activities.

The university attracts creative thinkers from around the world who enrich our lives with their distinct ideas and viewpoints.  We are committed to working with our stakeholders to find ways to improve the lives of individuals in all our communities. We will continue to play a leading role in the evolution of our city and our province by providing exceptional learning opportunities, conducting cutting-edge research, creating an environment of inclusion, and serving our communities selflessly. We will model leadership behaviour and continue to build meaningful connections through our growing global alumni network. As we do so, we will inspire our friends and supporters to invest in our efforts to spark meaningful change and energize the next generation. 

How we will get there

Thought leadership

Universities are dedicated to the free flow of ideas and the advancement of society – challenging the status quo for the benefit of all. We will lead public discourse on local, national and global issues. We will inspire with innovative ideas, transform our ideas into real-world advancements, openly share the knowledge we create, and engage others in meaningful change. Our efforts will attract scholars from around the globe to help build stronger communities. 

Cultural enrichment

We attract thousands of visitors who immerse themselves in the rich landscape of ideas, art, science, athletics, and culture that characterizes a large research university. We will make it easier for our community to enjoy our creative performances and visit our cultural spaces, libraries and art galleries. We will ensure that our continuing education courses, workshops, and summer camps stimulate creativity, enable knowledge exchange and foster skill development. 

Community service

Our students, faculty, staff and alumni strengthen Calgary by giving back. They embody the admirable traits that characterize the city – a can-do attitude and enthusiasm to help neighbours. They collaborate with community organizations and assist with shaping and advancing civic projects. By championing and contributing to community initiatives together, we will create meaningful and measurable change that benefits others. 

Collaborative partnerships

We extend the university’s engagement with the broader community through the development of programs of study and research partnerships across Alberta, the nation and the world. Partnerships, alliances, development projects and study-abroad initiatives allow us to contribute to and benefit from a network of global interactions that enrich the student experience. We will continue to encourage partnerships with industry, government, non-profit organizations and our local Indigenous communities.

Alumni engagement

One of our unique advantages is that a significant proportion of our alumni live and work in the Calgary area. Lifelong learners, seekers of new knowledge and innovation, and thought leaders in their respective disciplines, they have become meaningful contributors and active citizens, locally and globally. We must strengthen our connection to this important part of our community to achieve our vision and create mutual benefit. We will develop and maintain an active alumni network, and establish a stronger and more recognizable alumni profile in order to build our community together.