William Lyon Somerville Visiting Lectureship
The Somerville Lectureship is an endowment gift, given to the University of Calgary by Mrs. A.G. Burton of Calgary in memory of her father. The gift has been matched by the University to create an endowment for the establishment of an annual Visiting Distinguished Lecture /Studio Critic programme for the Architecture Programme. The recipient of the l997 William Lyon Sornerville Visiting Lectureship is the distinguished Montreal based architect Dan S. Hanganu. Mr. Hanganu has estabhshed a national and international reputation for a series of thoughtful public buildings in Quebec, including the Archaeological Museum and the recently completed School of design for UQAM, both in Montreal. During his visit to the Faculty Mr. Hanganu will direct a one week design charrettee with architecture students from the universities of Calgary, Manitoba and Waterloo. He will also deliver the annual William Lyon Somerville Lecture.

Previous Recipients

 1996 Laura Hartrnan and Richard Femau, Fernau & Haltman Architects, Berkeley, California, U.S.A.
 1995 Peter Salter, Architectural Association, London, England.
 1994 Patricia and John Patkau, Patkau Architects, Vancouver, B.C., Canada.
 l993 Peter Eisenman, Eisenman Architects, New York, N,Y.
 1992 Erick van Egeraat and Francine Houben, Mecanoo Architelcten, Delft, Holland.

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