News News News News
The following Faculty news does not contain information on faculty member research and outreach activity. Full information can be obtained from the Faculty's Research and Outreach Report which can be accessed either on the Faculty's Web page or in hard copy by contacting Diana Hill at 220-8669.

General Faculty News

Retirement Events

Events to recognize the significant contributions of retiring faculty members are in the planning stages and news will be available shortly.

Study Abroad Program

Our study abroad program in Barcelona is about to start with almost 30 students participating with a split between Architecture, Planning, and one Environmental Science student. This is a successful program that we hope will continue into the future. The focus is on urban design, architecture as well as environmental issues.

AIT Project

The Canadian Universities Consortium, Asian Institute of Technology Partnership Project (CUC.AIT.PP) in urban environmental management was again funded by CIDA. This project is a collaborative effort between the Universities of British Columbia, Calgary, Montreal, Waterloo, and York. Information on the AIT Project can be obtained from Walter Jamieson of Anne Johnston.

Joint Research Day between the Faculties of Nursing, Social Work and Environmental Design

The three faculties worked together to sponsor a highly successful event exploring common areas of research and outreach interest. A further cooperative initiative is planned for the Fall of 1998. The theme will be rural health. More information may be obtained from Walter Jamieson.

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