Recent Publications
Haider I.T., Loundagin L.L., Sawatsky A., Kostenuik P.J., Boyd S.K., Edwards W.B. (2022). Twelve months of denosumab and/or alendronate is associated with improved bone fatigue life, microarchitecture, and density in ovariectomized cynomolgus monkeys. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, [Epub ahead of print], doi: 10.1002/jbmr.4758.
Pfau T., Bruce, O.L., Edwards W.B., and Leguillette R. (2022). Stride frequency derived from GPS speed fluctuations in galloping horses, Journal of Biomechanics, 145, 111364.
Masson A.O., Besler B., Edwards W.B., and Krawetz R.J. (2022). High spatial resolution analysis using automated indentation mapping differentiates biomechanical properties of normal vs. degenerated articular cartilage in mice, Elife, 11, e74664.
Gorrell L.M., Sawatsky A., Edwards W.B., and Herzog W. (2022). Vertebral arteries do not experience tensile force during manual cervical spine manipulation applied to human cadavers. Journal of Manual & Manipulative Therapy, [Epub ahead of print], doi: 10.1080/10669817.2022.2148048.
Senevirathna A.M., Pohl A.J., Jordan M.J., Edwards W.B., and Ferber R. (2022). Differences in kinetic variables between injured and uninjured rearfoot runners: a hierarchical cluster analysis. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports, [Epub ahead of print], doi: 10.1111/sms.14249.
Khassetarash A., Haider I.T., Baggaley M., and Edwards W.B. (2023). Tibial strains during prolonged downhill running: a finite element analysis. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, 145, 111364.
Haider I.T., Pohl A.J., and Edwards W.B. (2022). The probability of whole-bone fatigue fracture can be accurately predicted using specimen-specific finite element analysis incorporating a stochastic failure model. Journal of Biomechanics, 143, 111273.
Haider I.T., Sawatsky A., Zhu Y., Page R., Kostenuik P.J., Boyd S.K., and Edwards W.B. (2022). Denosumab treatment is associated with decreased cortical porosity and increased bone density and strength at the proximal humerus of ovariectomized cynomolgus monkeys. Bone, 164, 116517.
Baggaley M., Derrick T.R., and Edwards W.B. (2022). Sensitivity of internal tibial forces and moments to static optimization moment constraints at the subtalar and ankle joints. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, [Epub ahead of print], doi: 10.1115/1.4055036.
Wong M.T., Wiens C., LaMothe J., Edwards W.B., and Schneider P.S. (2022). In vivo syndesmotic motion after rigid and flexible fixation using 4-dimensional computerized tomography. Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma, 36, 257-264.
Bruce O.L., Baggaley M., Khassetarash A., Haider I.T., and Edwards W.B. (2022). Tibial-fibular geometry and density variations associated with elevated bone strain and sex disparities in young active adults. Bone, 161, 116443.
Khassetarash A., Baggaley M., Vernillo G., Millet G.Y., and Edwards W.B. (2022). The repeated bout effect influences lower-extremity biomechanics during a 30-min downhill run. European Journal of Sports Science, [Epub ahead of print], doi: 10.1080/17461391.2022.2048083.
Alcantara R.S., Edwards W.B., Millet G.Y., and Grabowski A.M. (2022). Predicting continuous ground reaction forces from accelerometers during uphill and downhill running: a recurrent neural network solution. PeerJ 10:e12752, doi: 10.7717/peerj.12752.
- Loundagin L.L., Bredbenner T.L., Jepsen K.J., and Edwards W.B. (2021). Bringing mechanical context to image-based measurements of bone integrity. Current Osteoporosis Reports, 19, 542-552.
- Bruce O.L., Baggaley M., Welte L., Rainbow M.J. and Edwards W.B. (2021). A statistical shape model of the tibia-fibula complex: sexual dimorphism and effects of age on reconstruction accuracy from anatomical landmarks. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 25, 875-886.
- Baggaley M., Derrick T.R., Vernillo G., Millet G.Y., and Edwards W.B. (2021). Internal tibial forces and moments during graded running. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, 144, 011009.
- Firminger C.R., Haider I.T., Bruce O.L., Wannop J.W., Stefanyshyn D.J., and Edwards W.B. (2021). Are subject-specific models necessary to predict patellar tendon fatigue life? A finite element modelling study. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 25, 729-739.
- Edwards W.B., Haider I.T., Simonian N., Barroso J., and Schnitzer T.J. (2021). Durability and delayed treatment effects of zoledronic acid on bone loss after spinal cord injury: A randomized, controlled trial. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, 36, 2127-2738.
- Khassetarash A., Vernillo G., Krüger R.L., Edwards W.B., Millet G.Y. (2021). Neuromuscular, biomechanical, and energetic adjustments following repeated bouts of downhill running. Journal of Sport and Health Science, 11, 319-329.
- Wong M,T., Wiens C., Lamothe J., Edwards W.B., Schneider P.S. (2021). Four-dimensional CT analysis of normal syndesmotic motion. Foot & Ankle International, 42, 1491-1501.
- Kuervers E.J., Firminger C.R., and Edwards W.B. (2021). Effect of knee angle and quadriceps muscle force on shear wave elastography measurements at the patellar tendon. Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology, 47, 2167-2175.
- Warden S.J., Edwards W.B., and Willy R.W. (2021). Optimal load for managing low-risk tibial and metatarsal bone stress injuries in runners: the science behind the clinical reasoning. Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy, 51, 322-330.
- Haider I.T., Lee M., Page R., Smith D., and Edwards W.B. (2021). Mechanical fatigue of whole rabbit-tibiae under combined compression-torsional loading is better explained by strained volume than peak strain magnitude. Journal of Biomechanics, 122, 110434.
- Benson L.C., Owoeye O.B.A., Räisänen A.M., Stilling C., Edwards W.B., and Emery C.A. (2021). Magnitude, frequency, and accumulation: workload among injured and uninjured youth basketball players. Frontiers in Sports and Active Living, 3, 607205.
- Firminger C.R., and Edwards W.B. (2021). Effects of cyclic loading on the mechanical properties and failure of human patellar tendon. Journal of Biomechanics, 120, 110345.
- Warden S.J., Edwards W.B., and Willy R.W. (2021). Preventing bone stress injuries in runners with optimal workload. Current Osteoporosis Reports, 19, 298-307.
- Unnikrishnan G., Xu C., Baggaley M., Tong J., Kulkarni S., Edwards W.B., and Reifman J. (2021). Effects of body size and load carriage on lower-extremity biomechanical responses in healthy women. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 22, 219.
- Keen C.E., Whittier D.E., Firminger C.R., Edwards W.B., and Boyd S.K. (2021). Validation of bone density and microarchitecture measurements of the load-bearing femur in the human knee obtained using in vivo HR-pQCT protocol. Journal of Clinical Densitometry, 24, 651-657.
- Kalkhoven J.T., Watsford M.L., Coutts A.J. Edwards W.B., and Impellizzeri F.M. (2021). Training load and injury: causal pathways and future directions. Sports Medicine, 51, 1137-1150.
- Firminger C.R., and Edwards W.B. (2021). A biomechanical study of clamping technique on patellar tendon surface strain and material properties using digital image correlation. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 113, 104156.
- Loundagin L.L., Pohl A., and Edwards W.B. (2021). Stressed volume estimated by finite element analysis predicts the fatigue life of human cortical bone: the role of vascular canals as stress concentrators. Bone, 143, 115647.
- Haider I.T., Simonion N., Schnitzer T.J., and Edwards W.B. (2021). Stiffness and strength predictions from finite element models of the knee are associated with lower-limb fractures after spinal cord injury. Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 49, 769-779.
- Loundagin L.L., and Edwards W.B. (2020). Stressed volume around vascular canals explains compressive fatigue life variation of secondary osteonal bone but not plexiform bone. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 111, 104002.
- Bruce O.L., Ramsay M., Kennedy G., and Edwards W.B. (2020) Lower limb joint kinetics in jump rope skills performed by competitive athletes. Sports Biomechanics, [Epub ahead of print], doi.org/10.1080/14763141.2020.1801823.
- Khassetarash A., Vernillo G., Martinez A., Baggaley M., Giandolini M., Horvais N., Millet G.Y., and Edwards W.B. (2020). Biomechanics of graded running: Part II – joint kinematics and kinetics. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports, 30, 1642-1654.
- Vernillo G., Martinez A., Baggaley M., Khassetarash A., Giandolini M., Horvais N., Edwards W.B., and Millet G.Y. (2020). Biomechanics of graded running: Part I – stride parameters, external forces, and muscle activations. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports, 30, 1632-1641.
- Loundagin L.L., Haider I.T., Cooper D.M.L., and Edwards W.B. (2020). Association between intracortical microarchitecture and the compressive fatigue life of human bone: a pilot study, Bone Reports, 12, 100254. doi: 10.1016/j.bonr.2020.100254.
- Firminger C.R., Asmussen M.J., Cigoja S., Fletcher J.R., Nigg B.M., and Edwards W.B. (2020). Cumulative metrics of tendon load and damage vary discordantly with running speed. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, [Epub ahead of print], doi: 10.1249/MSS.0000000000002287.
- Baggaley M., Esposito M., Xu C., Unnikrishnan G., Reifman J., and Edwards W.B. (2020). Effects of load carriage on biomechanical variables associated with tibial stress fractures in running. Gait & Posture, 77, 190-194.
- Cigoja S., Asmussen M.J., Firminger C.R., Fletcher J.R., Edwards W.B. and Nigg B.M. (2020). The effects of increased midsole bending stiffness of sport shoes on muscle-tendon unit shortening and shortening velocity: a randomised crossover trial in recreational male runners. Sports Medicine Open, 6, 9. doi: 10.1186/s40798-020-0241-9.
- Thomas J.M., Edwards W.B., and Derrick, T.R. (2020). Joint contact forces with changes in running stride length and midsole stiffness. Journal of Science in Sport and Exercise, 2, 69-76.
- Baggaley M., Vernillo G., Martinez A., Horvais N., Giandolini M., Millet G.Y., and Edwards W.B. (2020). Step length and grade effects on energy absorption and impact attenuation in running. European Journal of Sports Science, [Epub ahead of print], doi.org/10.1080/17461391.2019.1664639.
- Clermont C.A., Benson L., Edwards W.B., Hettinga, B.A., and Ferber R. (2020). New considerations for wearable technology data: changes in running biomechanics during a marathon. Journal of Applied Biomechanics, [Epub ahead of print], doi.org/10.1123/jab.2018-0453.
- Vernillo G., Aguiar M., Savoldelli A., Martinez A., Giandolini M., Horvais N., Edwards W.B., and Millet G.Y. (2020). Regular changes in foot strike pattern during prolonged downhill running do not influence neuromuscular, energetics, or biomechanical parameters. European Journal of Sports Science, [Epub ahead of print], doi: 10.1080/17461391.2019.1645212.
- Haider I.T., Baggaley M., and Edwards W.B. (2020). Subject-specific finite element models of the tibia with realistic boundary conditions predict bending deformations consistent with in-vivo measurement. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, [Epub ahead of print], doi: 10.1115/4044034.
- Xu C., Reifman J., Baggaley M., Edwards W.B., and Unnikrishnan, G. (2020). Individual differences in women during walking affect tibial response to load carriage: the importance of individualized musculoskeletal finite-element models. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 67, 545-555.
- Bruce O.L., Firminger C.R., Wannop J.W., Stefanyshyn D.J. and Edwards W.B. (2019) Effects of basketball court construction and shoe stiffness on countermovement jump landings. Footwear Science, 11, 171-179.
- Greco-Otto P., Baggaley M., Edwards W.B., and Léguillette R. (2019). Water treadmill exercise reduces equine limb segmental accelerations and increases shock attenuation. BMC Vetrinary Research, 15: 329, 1-6.
- Cigoja S., Firminger C.R., Asmussen M.J., Fletcher J.R., Edwards W.B., and Nigg B.M. (2019). Does increased midsole bending stiffness of sport shoes redistribute lower limb joint work during running? Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 22, 1272-1277.
- Haider I.T., Simonion N., Saini A.S., Leung F.M., Edwards W.B., and Schnitzer T.J. (2019). Open-label clinical trial of alendronate after teriparatide therapy in people with spinal cord injury and low bone mineral density. Spinal Cord, 57,832-842.
- Firminger C.R., Bruce O.L., Wannop J.W., Stefanyshyn D.J. and Edwards W.B. (2019). Effect of shoe and surface stiffness on lower limb tendon strain in jumping. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 51, 1895-1903.
- Lobos S., Cooke A., Simonett G., Ho C., Boyd S.K., and Edwards W.B. (2019). Trabecular bone score at the distal femur and proximal tibia in individuals with spinal cord injury. Journal of Clinical Densitometry, 22, 249-256.
- Michalski A.S., Edwards W.B., and Boyd S.K. (2019). The influence of reconstruction kernel of bone mineral and strength estimates using quantitative computed tomography and finite element analysis. Journal of Clinical Densitometry, 22, 219-228.
- Edwards W.B. (2018). Modeling overuse injuries in sport as a mechanical fatigue phenomenon. Exercise and Sport Sciences Reviews, 46, 224-23.
- Edwards W.B., Simonian N., Haider I.T., Anschel A.S., Chen D., Gordon K.E., Gregory E.K., Kim K.H., Parachuri R., Troy K.L., and Schnitzer T.J. (2018). Effects of teriparatide and vibration on bone mass and bone strength in people with bone loss and spinal cord injury: a randomized, controlled trial. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, 33, 1729-1740.
- Troy K.L., and Edwards W.B. (2018). Practical considerations for obtaining high quality quantitative computed tomography data of the skeletal system. Bone, 110, 58-65.
- Lobos S., Cooke A., Simonett G., Ho C., Boyd S.K., and Edwards W.B. (2018). DXA assessed BMD at the distal femur and proximal tibia in individuals with spinal cord injury: precision of protocol and relation to injury duration. Journal of Clinical Densitometry, 21: 338-346.
- Firminger C.R., Vernillo G., Savoldelli A., Stefanyshyn D.J., Millet G.Y., and Edwards W.B. (2018). Joint kinematics and ground reaction forces in overground versus graded running. Gait & Posture, 63: 109-113.
- Haider I.T., Schneider P., Michalski A., and Edwards, W.B. (2018). Influence of geometry on proximal femoral shaft strains: Implications for atypical femoral fracture. Bone, 110: 295-303.
- Loundagin L.L., Schmidt T.A., and Edwards W.B. (2018). Mechanical fatigue of bovine cortical bone using ground reaction force waveforms in running. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, 140, 031003.
- Firminger C.R., Fung A., Loundagin L.L., and Edwards W.B. (2017). Effects of footwear and stride length on metatarsal strains and failure in running. Clinical Biomechanics, 49: 8-15.
- Fung A., Loundagin L.L., Edwards W.B. (2017). Experimental validation of finite element predicted bone strain in the human metatarsal. Journal of Biomechanics, 60: 22-29.
- Gruber A.H., Edwards W.B., Hamill J., Derrick T.R., Boyer K.A. (2017). A comparison of the ground reaction force frequency content during rearfoot and non-rearfoot running patterns. Gait & Posture, 56, 54-59.
- Vernillo G., Giandolini M., Edwards W.B., Morin J.B., Samozino P., Horvais N., Millet G.Y. (2017). Biomechanics and physiology of uphill and downhill running. Sports Medicine, 47, 615-629.
- Giandolini M., Vernillo G., Samozino P., Horvais N., Edwards W.B., Morin J.B., Millet G.Y. (2016). Fatigue associated with prolonged graded running. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 116, 1859-1873.
- Hoerzer, S., Trudeau, M.B., Edwards, W.B., and Nigg, B.M. (2016). Intra-rater reliability of footwear-related comfort assessments. Footwear Science, 8, 155-163.
- Firminger, C.R., and Edwards, W.B. (2016). The influence of minimalist footwear and stride length reduction on lower-extremity running mechanics and cumulative loading. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 19, 975-979.
- Edwards, W.B., Miller, R.H., and Derrick, T.R. (2016). Femoral strain during walking predicted with muscle forces from static and dynamic optimization. Journal of Biomechanics, 49, 1206-1213.
- Derrick, T.R., Edwards, W.B., Fellin, R.E., Seay, J.F. (2016). An integrative modeling approach for the efficient estimation of cross
sectional tibial stresses during locomotion. Journal of Biomechanics, 49, 429-435.
- Edwards, W.B., and Schnitzer, T.J. (2015). Bone imaging and fracture risk after spinal cord injury. Current Osteoporosis Reports, 13, 310-317.
- Edwards, W.B., Troy, K.L., Simonian, N., and Schnitzer, T.J. (2015). Reduction in torsional stiffness and strength at the proximal tibia as a function of time since spinal cord injury. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, 30, 1422-1430.
- Miller, R.H., Edwards, W.B., and Deluzio, K.J. (2015). Energy expended and knee joint load accumulated when walking, running, or standing for the same amount of time. Gait and Posture, 41, 326-328.
- Bhatia, V.A., Edwards, W.B., Johnson, J.E., and Troy, K.L. (2015). Short-term bone formation is greatest within high strain regions of the human distal radius: a prospective pilot study. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, 137, 01101-(1-5).
- McPherson, J.G., Edwards, W.B., Prasad, A., Troy, K.L., Griffith, J.W., and Schnitzer, T.J. (2014). Dual energy x-ray absorptiometry of the knee in spinal cord injury: methodology and correlation with quantitative computed tomography. Spinal Cord, 52, 821-825.
- De Witt, J.K., Edwards, W.B., Scott-Pandorf, M.M., Norcross, J.R., and Gernhardt, M.L (2014). The preferred walk to run transition speed in actual lunar gravity. Journal of Experimental Biology, 217, 3200-3203.
- Bhatia, V.A., Edwards, W.B., and Troy, K.L. (2014). Predicting surface strains at the human distal radius during an in vivo loading task - finite element model validation and application. Journal of Biomechanics, 47, 2759-2765.
- Edwards, W.B., Schnitzer, T.J., and Troy, K.L. (2014). Reduction in proximal femoral strength in patients with acute spinal cord injury. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, 29, 2074-2079.
- Edwards, W.B., Schnitzer, T.J., and Troy, K.L. (2014). The mechanical consequence of actual bone loss and simulated bone recovery in acute spinal cord injury. Bone, 60, 141-147.
- Edwards, W.B., Schnitzer, T.J., and Troy, K.L. (2014). Bone mineral and stiffness loss at the distal femur and proximal tibia in acute spinal cord injury. Osteoporosis International, 25, 1005-1015.
- Miller, R.H., Edwards, W.B., Brandon, S.C.E, Morton, A.M., and Deluzio, K.J. (2014). Why don't runners get knee osteoarthritis? A case for per-unit-distance loads. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 46, 572-579.
- Edwards, W.B., Schnitzer, T.J., and Troy, K.L. (2013). Bone mineral loss at the proximal femur in acute spinal cord injury. Osteoporosis International, 24, 2461-2469.
- Troy K.L., Edwards W.B., Bhatia V.A., and Bareither M. (2013). In vivo loading model to examine bone adaptation in humans: a pilot study. Journal of Orthopaedic Research, 31, 1406-1413.
- Edwards, W.B., Schnitzer, T.J., & Troy, K.L. (2013). Torsional stiffness and strength of the proximal tibia are better predicted by finite element models than DXA or QCT. Journal of Biomechanics, 46, 1655-1662.
- Edwards, W.B., and Troy, K.L. (2012). A linear actuated torsional device to replicate clinically relevant spiral fractures in long bones. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H, Journal of Engineering in Medicine, 226, 729-733.
- Edwards, W.B., Derrick, T.R., and Hamill, J. (2012). Musculoskeletal attenuation of impact shock in response to knee angle manipulation. Journal of Applied Biomechanics, 28, 502-510.
- Gillette, J.C., Stevermer, K.A., Miller, R.H., Edwards, W.B., and Schwab, C.V. (2012). Lower extremity joint moments during carrying tasks in children. Journal of Applied Biomechanics, 28, 156-164.
- Edwards, W.B., and Troy, K.L. (2012). Finite element prediction of surface strain and fracture strength at the distal radius. Medical Engineering and Physics, 34, 290-298.
- Edwards, W.B., and Troy, K.L. (2011). Number Crunching: How and when will numerical models be used in the clinical setting? Current Osteoporosis Reports, 9, 1-3.
- Edwards, W. B., and Troy, K.L. (2011). Simulating distal radius fracture strength using biomechanical tests: a modeling study examining the influence of boundary conditions. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, 133, 114501-(1-5).
- Thomas, J.R., Alderson, J.A., Thomas, K.T., Campbell, A.C., Edwards, W.B., Meardon, S.A., Elliot, B.C. (2011). Is there a general motor program for right versus left hand throwing in children? Journal of Biosensors and Bioelectronics, S1:001. doi: 10.4172/2155-6210.S1-001
- Edwards, W.B., Troy, K.L, and Derrick, T.R. (2011). On the filtering of intersegmental loads during running. Gait and Posture, 34, 435-438.
- De Witt, J.K., Perusek, G., Lewandowski, B., Gilkey, K., Savina, M., Samorezov, S., and Edwards, W.B. (2010). Locomotion in simulated and real microgravity: Horizontal suspension vs. parabolic flight. Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine, 81, 1092-1099.
- Escamilla, R.F., Zheng, N., MacLeod, T.D., Imamura, R., Edwards, W.B., Hreljac, A., Fleisig, G.S., Wilk, K.E., Moorman, C.T., and Andrews, J.R. (2010). Cruciate ligament forces between a short and long step forward lunge. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 42, 1932-1942.
- Edwards, W.B., Taylor, D., Rudolphi, T.J., Gillette, J.C., & Derrick, T.R. (2010). Effects of running velocity on a probabilistic stress fracture model. Clinical Biomechanics, 25, 372-377.
- Escamilla, R.F., Zheng, N., MacLeod, T.D., Imamura, R., Edwards, W.B., Hreljac, A., Fleisig, G.S., Wilk, K.E., Moorman, C.T., and Andrews, J.R. (2010). Cruciate ligament tensile forces during the forward and side lunge. Clinical Biomechanics, 25, 213-221.
- Edwards, W.B., Taylor, D., Rudolphi, T.J., Gillette, J.C., & Derrick, T.R. (2009). Effects of stride length and running mileage on a probabilistic stress fracture model. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 41, 2177-2184.
- Meardon, S.A., Edwards, W.B., Ward, E.D. & Derrick, T.R. (2009). Effects of custom and semi-custom foot orthotics on 2nd metatarsal bone strain during dynamic gait simulation. Foot and Ankle International, 30, 998-1004.
- Edwards, W.B., Ward, E.D., Meardon, S.A., and Derrick, T.R. (2009). The use of external transducers for estimating bone strain at the distal tibia during impact activity. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, 131, 051009-(1-6).
- Escamilla, R.F., Zheng, N., Imamura, R., MacLeod, T.D., Edwards, W.B., Hreljac, A., Fleisig, G.S., Wilk, K.E., Moorman, C.T., and Andrew, J.R. (2009). Cruciate ligament force during the wall squat and the one-leg squat. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 41, 408-417.
- Escamilla, R.F., Zheng, N., MacLeod, T.D., Edwards, W.B., Imamura, R., Hreljac, A., Fleisig, G.S., Wilk, K.E., Moorman, C.T., and Andrews, J.R. (2009). Patellofemoral joint force and stress during the wall squat and one-leg squat. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 41, 878-888.
- Edwards, W.B., Gillette, J., Thomas, J. and Derrick, T.R. (2008). Internal femoral forces and moments during running: Implications for stress fracture development. Clinical Biomechanics, 23, 1269-1278.
- Escamilla, R.F., Zheng, N., MacLeod, T.D., Edwards, W.B., Hreljac, A., Fleisig, G.S., Wilk, K.E., Moorman, C.T., and Imamura, R. (2008). Patellofemoral joint force and stress between a short and long step forward lunge. Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy, 38, 681-690.
- Escamilla, R.F., Zheng, N., MacLeod, T.D., Edwards, W.B., Hreljac, A., Fleisig, G.S., Wilk, K.E., Moorman, C.T., and Imamura, R. (2008). Patellofemoral compressive force and stress during the forward and side lunge with and without stride. Clinical Biomechanics, 23, 1026-1037.
- Hreljac, A., Imamura, R., Escamilla, R.F., Edwards, W.B., and MacLeod, T. (2008). The relationship between joint kinetic factors and gait transition speed during human locomotion. Journal of Applied Biomechanics, 24, 149-157.
- Hreljac, A., Imamura, R., Escamilla, R.F., and Edwards, W.B. (2007). When does a gait transition occur during human locomotion? Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, 6, 36-43.
- Hreljac, A., Imamura, R., Escamilla, R.F., and Edwards, W.B. (2007). Effects of changing protocol, grade, and direction on the preferred gait transition speed during human locomotion. Gait and Posture, 25, 419-424.