
Now Open! Summer leagues & tournaments

Join the devoted Esports community on UCalgary campus, with regular Intramural tournaments for various games!

Intramural Esports is a student-led program under Active Living with the goal of building a community for gamers across campus and beyond, as well as leveraging that community to help turn UCalgary into an esports powerhouse. Active Living's transition to a remote offering has given us the perfect opportunity to realize this vision! Help us build towards setting up an on-campus gaming lounge, sending varsity teams to compete across Canada, and offering competitive scholarships for esports athletes.


How to Register
1. Register under the E-Sports Intramural Leagues.
2. Input all members of your team into your roster.
3. All team members must complete the online waiver.
4. Join the discords for news about future events:
Active Living:

Note: You need to register with Active Living so we can determine player eligibility

Current Offerings

Sorry, we don't have any offerings at the moment.