
Kindergarten is offered at our West Campus location and is called the "The UCCC Society Private ECS/ Kindergarten Program". We are recognized and funded by Alberta Education as a Private School for Early Childhood Services/Kindergarten. When children are not attending the kindergarten/formal school time they are cared for in one of our 5 year old classrooms. Full-time child care services are included in the fee that is charged for children in the kindergarten age group.

We employ a full-time certified schoolteacher.  The curriculum that is taught is the Kindergarten curriculum mandated by Alberta Education. We have capacity for 19 students in our am class and 19 students in our pm class. The classes run 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. We run on the "Traditional School Calendar" which is from September through June.  Kindergarten is the only age group where we are able to accept children from the "greater community" (not only children of full-time U of C students, staff or faculty) if our kindergarten classes are not at full capacity.  We have a low student to teacher ratio.  If we have 15 or more students or if we have children with some exceptionalities that are eligible for PUF funding, then a teacher's assistant will also be in the classroom with the teacher.