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General Fees

Students' Union Fees

Full-time undergraduate students (excluding Medicine - MD) are required to pay $53.75 in Students' Union fees per session. Of this amount, $32.50 is applied to the capital and operating costs of the Students' Union. The remaining $21.25 is in the form of levies which are transferred to appropriate committees or managing bodies to administer.

Radio Station (CJSW) $5.00
Library Assistance Fee 3.75
Campus Television (NUTV) 3.50
Student Newspaper (Gauntlet) 3.50
Employment Centre 2.00
Student Legal Assistance 1.75
Refugee Student Program 1.00
Women's Resource Centre* 1.00
Volunteer Services .75
Access Fee .50
Committee of 10,000 .50
For additional information, please contact the Students' Union at 220-6551.

*As the Calendar goes to print, this fee remains unofficial.

Student Health and Dental Plan Fees

By referendum, all full-time undergraduate students (taking three or more courses per session) at the University of Calgary are automatically enrolled in the Student Health and Dental Plan when they register for classes. For the convenience of students, payments are made in two installments, September and January. The premium for each plan is an annual one, therefore the process for waiving fees for the year must be done prior to the deadline noted below.

The Health Plan provides students with a comprehensive set of health insurance benefits (prescription drugs, paramedical services, such as physiotherapy, chiropractic treatment, ambulance services, and many other benefits). This plan is supplementary to any provincial health care plan. The Managed Dental Plan provides students with dental coverage through a specific network of dental clinics throughout Calgary. It is mandatory for students to visit a Network Dental Clinic in order to be eligible for coverage. Please contact the Undergraduate Health and Dental Plan Office or visit for a list of clinics. For eligible students starting in the Fall Session, coverage begins September 1 and ends August 31 provided there has been no change in their eligibility status from the Fall Session to the Winter Session. In cases where there has been a status change, coverage may end December 31. For eligible students starting in the Winter Session, coverage begins January 1 and ends August 31.

Optional family coverage (for one or both plans) is also available for an additional fee. This procedure must be completed by September 22 for new Fall Session undergraduate students and by January 19 for new Winter Session undergraduate students.

If proof of comparable coverage is presented, prior to the opt out deadline, to the Undergraduate Health and Dental Plan Office, students can opt out of the Health and/or Dental Plan. The opt out deadline is September 22, 2006 (Fall Session fee payment deadline). Continuing full-time students need only opt out of the plans once. Students who change their status to part time or interrupt their studies by at least one Fall or Winter Session will be required to opt out a second time. Students wishing to opt back into either of the plans must contact the Undergraduate Health and Dental Plan Office. An eligible student can opt back into the plan unconditionally prior to the fee deadline every Fall Session or within 30 days of loss of comparable coverage during the year. The health and dental insurance fees are non-refundable if a student withdraws from a session.

For further details, please contact the Undergraduate Health and Dental Plan Office (360 MacEwan Student Centre). Telephone: 220-3906. Fax: 282-2729. E-mail:

Campus Recreation Fee and Interuniversity Athletic Fee

Descriptions of the Campus Recreation and Interuniversity Athletic programs are to be found in the Student Services section of this Calendar.

The maximum campus recreation fee for the period September 1 to August 31 is $88.92.

The maximum interuniversity athletic fee for the period September 1 to August 31 is $82.00. There is no summer interuniversity athletic program. Please note that part-time students are not eligible to participate on interuniversity teams. Payment of the interuniversity athletic fee entitles part-time students to free admission to interuniversity athletic games.

Students completing University of Calgary courses off-campus are not required to pay campus recreation or interuniversity athletic fees.

Campus recreation and interuniversity athletic fees are non-refundable if a student withdraws from a session.

Spring/Summer Sessions Fees

Spring and Summer Sessions tuition fees are assessed as given in the fee chart. General fees for Spring and Summer Sessions are as follows:

Students' Union (per session)
Full and part time $23.25

Campus Recreation fee
(per session) $15.41

Donation (per session) $7.00*

* Students may opt out at the U of C Service Stop.