Handbook for Academic Staff in Information Resources
6th Edition

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6.1   Librarians
6.2   Curators
6.3   Archivists
6.4   Procedures for Continuing Appointments
6.5   Expedited Spousal Hiring (see APT 4.8)

NOTE: The policies and procedures regarding selection and appointment are stated in Section 4 of Procedures Pertaining to Appointment, Promotion and Tenure of Academic Staff (APT). Section 4.3.1 and 4.3.2 of that document require Information Resources to establish a formal academic selection process that applies the principles of APT. The following procedures, in conjunction with APT, constitute that process.
6.1.1 Within the framework of Section 4, these are the basic guidelines which will serve in the hiring of librarians. Where appropriate, these guidelines may be modified in order to take into account the requirements of specific positions. The matter of equivalence of foreign qualifications will be determined according to established national practice.
6.1.2 Assistant Librarian
a) An undergraduate degree; and
b) A degree from an accredited library school programme as recognized by the Canadian Library Association
Starting position within the rank is a matter for negotiation between the Director of Information Resources and the candidate. Normally, the following factors will be taken into account:
c) Demonstrated competence in previous professional and other related positions; and
d) Relevant advanced degree(s).
6.1.3 Associate Librarian/Librarian
a) An undergraduate degree; and
b) A degree from an accredited library school programme as recognized by the Canadian Library Association; and
c) Demonstrated competence in previous professional experience
Starting rank and starting position within the rank are a matter for negotiation between the Director of Information Resources and the candidate. Normally, the following factors will be taken into account:
d) Relevant advanced degree(s); and
e) Quality and length of experience as described in 6.1.3 (c) above; and
f) Quality and length of other related experience.
6.2.1 Within the framework of Section 4, these are the basic guidelines which will serve in the hiring of curators. Where appropriate, these guidelines may be modified in order to take into account the requirements of a specific position. The matter of equivalence of foreign qualifications will be determined according to established national practice.
6.2.2 Assistant Curator
a) A graduate degree in museum or archival studies and/or an appropriate subject area, e.g. art history, classics, archaeology, history from an accredited university
Starting rank and position within the rank are a matter of negotiation between the Director of Information Resources and the candidate. Normally, the following factors will be taken into account:
b) Demonstrated competence in previous professional and/or other related positions; and
c) Relevant additional advanced degrees.
6.2.3 Associate Curator and Curator
a) A graduate degree in museum or archival studies and/or an appropriate subject area, e.g. art history, classics, archaeology, history from an accredited university
b) Demonstrated competence in previous professional practice
Starting rank and position within the rank are a matter for negotiation between the Director of Information Resources and the candidate. Normally, the following factors will be taken into account:
c) Quality and length of experience as described in 6.2.3 (b); and
d) Quality and length of other related experience.
6.3.1 Within the framework of Section 4, these are the basic guidelines which will serve in the hiring of archivists. Where appropriate, these guidelines may be modified in order to take into account the requirements of specific positions. The matter of equivalence of foreign qualifications will be determined according to established national practice.
6.3.2 Assistant Archivist
a) An undergraduate degree; and
b) Masters of Archival Studies or its equivalent; or a graduate degree and relevant archival experience and training
Starting position within the rank is a matter for negotiation between the Director of Information Resources and the candidate. Normally, the following factors will be taken into account:
c) Demonstrated competence in previous professional and other related positions; and
d) Relevant advanced degree(s).
6.3.3 Associate Archivist and Archivist
a) An undergraduate degree; and
b) Masters of Archival Studies or its equivalent; or a graduate degree and relevant archival experience and training
c) Demonstrated competence in previous professional experience
Starting rank and position within the rank are a matter for negotiation between the Director of Information Resources and the candidate. Normally, the following factors will be taken into account:
d) Relevant advanced degree(s); and
e) Quality and length of experience as described in 6.3.3 (c) above; and
f) Quality and length of other related experience.
6.4.1 Initiation of Selection Procedures Consultation will take place between the Director of Information Resources, the Associate Director, Assistant Director, Branch Head or Head and, where appropriate, other supervisory staff, to determine the need for a new position or the existence of a vacancy and the need for a replacement.
(01.04.20) A request outlining the duties of the position and experience and qualifications necessary to fill that position will be forwarded to the Director by the Associate Director, Assistant Director, Branch Head or Head.
(01.04.20) The Director will consult with the Vice-President (Academic) on the availability of a continuing position and where appropriate, will inform the Associate Director, Assistant Director, Branch Head or Head.
(01.04.20) The Director will prepare a Notice of Vacancy in consultation with the Associate Director, Assistant Director, Branch Head or Head, outlining the rank, title, duties, salary range and date of availability of the position.
(01.04.20) Current applications on file will be reviewed as part of the selection process as outlined in Section 6.4.2.
(84.01.27) The position will also be advertised both internally and externally.
6.4.2 Selection Committee The Director of Information Resources shall appoint an ad hoc Selection Committee to advise the Director on his or her recommendation of an appointment to the President. Membership The Selection Committee will be composed of:
a) The Director of Information Resources or designee (Chair) (voting only to break a tie); and
b) The appropriate Assistant Director, Branch Head or Head, or designee (voting); and
c) One academic staff member from the same affected disciplinary group(s) (voting); and
d) Two members of the Selection, Promotions, and Appointment Review Committee of Library Council, normally one from the affected disciplinary group(s) selected by the Director (voting); and
e) One academic appointee from outside Information Resources, normally chosen by the Director of Information Resources from a faculty or other unit on campus that is related to the position being filled (voting)
f) If deemed appropriate, the Director may appoint a student member of the Committee (non-voting. The Director may make a request to the VP(A) of the Students' Union Executive or to the President of the Graduate Students' Association for suitable student candidates.)
(04.02.26) Both genders shall be included in the Committee.
(04.02.26) Conflict of Interest Where a conflict of interest is identified between a member of the Selection Committee and a candidate for an appointment, the member shall be disqualified from serving on the Selection Committee for that appointment.
(82.02.27) Terms of Reference Selection of academic staff rests with the Director of Information Resources. The Selection Committee will advise the Director on the choice of candidates and on an appropriate starting rank. Where agreement is not reached, the Director will make the reasons available to the Selection Committee at the earliest opportunity. Procedures Information coming to, and deliberations of, selection committees are confidential.
(94.06.24) Written minutes of all meetings shall be prepared. These minutes are confidential and are kept in Information Resources Administration separate from the general files. These minutes may only be consulted through application to the Director of Information Resources.
(94.06.24) A quorum at all meetings includes the Chair, the appropriate Assistant Director, Branch Head or Head or designate and two other committee members.
(01.04.20) The Committee, or its delegates, will review all applications, prepare a short-list of, normally, two or more candidates, ranked according to relevant criteria and will seek written references (normally three are required) on those factors relevant to the vacancy for all those short-listed.
(04.02.26) The interview process will compare short-listed candidates and provide for reasonable access to the candidates by members of the relevant areas of Information Resources.
(03.12.12) The final ranking process for interviewed candidates will be based on relevant criteria and will identify those who are qualified for the vacancy.
(94.06.24) The Committee may choose, for good reason, to recommend no candidate to the Director of Information Resources.
(94.06.24) All candidates will be notified in writing of the decision by the Director of Information Resources.
(94.06.24) The Director of Information Resources will forward a recommendation as to choice of candidate and appropriate starting salary and rank to the Vice-President (Academic) stating if the advice submitted is the same as or differs from that of the Committee.
  For purposes of expedited spousal hiring, Information Resources will be both the "organizational" unit and the "destination" unit as outlined in APT 4.8.13.